Book: NEP 21 (Recyell of the Histories of Troy)

Created 1464



  • Recyell of the Histories of Troy
  • Printer(s):

  • William Caxton
  • Ownership Details

    Margaret of York, duchess of Burgundy, Ownership Confirmed (1464-1503?) by Patron of edition.


    Sutton, Anne F., and Livia Visser-Fuchs. Richard III's Books: Ideal and Reality in the Life of a Medieval Prince (Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing, 1997).: 27-28, 36

    Barstow, Kurtis A. "Appendix: The Library of Margaret of York and Some Related Books," in Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and The Visions of Tondal, ed. Thomas Kren (Malibu, CA: The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992), 257-63.

    Levelt, Sjoerd, Elisabeth van Houts, Moreed Arbabzadah, and Ad Putter, "Histories," in North Sea Crossings: The Literary Heritage of Anglo-Dutch Relations 1066-1688, ed. Sjoerd Levelt and Ad Putter (Oxford: Bodleian Library Publishing, 2021), 25-70: 53